When I Play with Playdoh I am Learning...
- to see the shape against the background of the table, a reading skill
- concepts of shape, length, height, and size
- to see negative space when cookie cutter shapes are taking away
- to express feelings when squeezing and pounding
- to exercise my imagination and creativity
- that the amount of a substance remains the same even when the shape changes.
When I Play with Scissors I am Learning...
- to control the small muscles of my hand
- concepts of shape, size, color, and location
- to exercise my imagination and creativity

When I Play with Pegboards I am Learning...
- one-to-one correspondence, an essential math concept
- to make and repeat patterns
- creativity and self expression
- concepts of addition as I add one piece at a time
- colors
- symmetry, shapes, order, and design
- eye-hand coordination, a writing skill
When I Sort Things I am Learning...
- to notice details, likenesses, and differences in objects
- to form categories, an essential concept for reading and math
- concepts of color, size, and shape
- numerical concepts of more or less
- logical reasoning
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